Two weeks left

I have lived with my new family for a week now. They are truly amazing people, and I am so lucky the chose to share their home with me. Tonight I will help mi mamá with cooking dinner for the new group of eco-tourists arriving today. One of the other cool things I need to mention about this house is that I have a maid. Yup. And I don't just mean a mom who washes my clothes and cooks for me (which is great, don't get me wrong). But I mean I have a full-time maid, one who will cook whatever I want when I want, wash all of my clothes as soon as I give them to her, and will make my bed for me. But me, being the good ol' southern boy that I am, can't really bring myself to ask her to do anything for me. Really, being here in Costa Rica and having this experience is more than enough.

One other funny thing is that the kitchen sink has a hole in the faucet, so if you turn it on full throttle water shoots out of the whole. I have shot myself in the eye twice. Yesterday I saw two white rabbits in my yard. At first I only saw one, but after I ran back in the house to get my camera, another one popped up. One let me get extremely close up before it scampered off. When it finally left, it didn't really even look scared as it hobbled off slowly, kinda like it was saying, "I am just not in the mood to be touched right now. See you tomorrow." Maybe it lives on the property and is just very used to people. I don't know.

Funny story from class today. Marie Ela, my teacher, told me about a German woman she had in her class one time who was a nurse in the US. When she first got to the US, she didn't know very much English apparently, but did know "ducha" meant shower in Spanish and German. (This is going somewhere, I promise.) But her coworkers, wanting to make conversation, would still talk to her about basic things so she could practice her English. Well, one day they asked her what she did that morning, and her answer was, "I took a doosh," thinking it would translate the same. We laughed about that for about 10 minutes in class, and I am still laughing now.


July 10, 2009 at 8:12 PM Sarahsmile said...

Oh my gosh. That's too funny. Tell mi madre I miss her!!