So begins week 2

I just ended my first week in Costa Rica. I have done so much, it is hard to believe I still have seven weeks left. Today I went to the zoo with my Costa Rican papa, sister and niece, plus another student from the school. It was a small zoo compared to those I have been to before, but the variety of animals there was incredible. I especially loved the turtles and toucans. Anytime Victoria (my niece) saw something she liked she would yell, "Aron, vea vea vea!" or "Aaron, look look look!" Seriously, this girl is adorable.

Later on in the day, Victor took me to his brother's house, where we picked oranges and mangos and lemons right off the tree. The was after his brother took me for a stroll though his acres and acres of fruit trees (mostly mangos). During the walk, we saw something amazing: wild monkeys eating fruit right out of the trees. They were there, clear as day, and apparently not the least bit shy. They let us watch them for probably ten minutes before we finally walked away.

Yesterday was another incredible sightseeing adventure. The group went to Volcan Poas, which is an active volcano and I believe the highest mountain in Costa Rica (about 1 mile high). The whole area smelled like sulfur, but the view was breathtaking. On the way there, our van got a flat tire, and some folks at a store up the road let us borrow a tire iron. When we returned it, they gave us bags of chips and a bag of the absolute best strawberries I have ever had in my life.

Some more observations about Costa Rica: The people get up early here, and so does the sun. Around 5 a.m. Life is slow here. Everyone seems content to take it easy and spend most of their free time conversing with friends and family. Until they get behind the wheel. Then all Costa Ricans become maniacs. Speaking of driving, I don't understand how they do it. None of the roads have names. Therefore, none of the houses have addresses. When you want a taxi, you have to say something like, "Pick me up across the street from this restaurant" or "Meet me at the place where they sell the frozen bananas."